Monday, August 18, 2008

The AFC West Preview

The AFC West: Does any team besides San Diego break the .500 mark?


Denver: What's up with Denver? I love coach Shanahan, but they seem to have disappeared from title contention in just a couple years. Is it that they're trying to get younger everywhere before they make a run? I like Jay "Chicken" Cutler. He's a good quarterback. He's smart, he's got good instincts, and strong arm. I think he can led this team to a playoff run, don't you?

I don’t, everyone loves this guy, but I haven’t seen it yet. I have not watched him play yet and thought, this is a championship QB…not even close. I don’t know how it got so bad so fast for Denver, but their defense couldn’t stop Ricky Williams after an ounce from rushing for a 100 yards last year. Their Oline has never had a ton of talent, they have just played within the system. Last year, they didn’t run like they used to, and they had some injury problems. I don’t know about them that much this year, but my homer Bronco fan friend thinks they will suck this year, so lets go with that.


Kansas City: Obviously the worst team in this division. Do they scare anyone? I don't think so. I have no clue as to why they're not better than they are. Larry Johnson is one of the best backs in the

game. One down season can't strip him of that title, can it? As long as he doesn't carry the ball 500 times, he could stay healthy long enough to play a few more years. I swear this kid is going to be out of football by 28 if they keep with this workload. If this team were more balanced, they could win more games. But they're not. Who is their quarterback? Who plays wideout? Gonzalez is 50 years old. I guess the only option they do have is Johnson.

Seriously, and he carried the ball so much in his first few years, I think it took a toll. I still think he could be a premier back, but his line was terrible this year and it wont be any better this year. If the o line is shit, the offense isn’t doing anything, especially with a second year guy like Brodie Croyle…yep, that’s their QB. The defense hasn’t been a whole lot better. They are definitely a rebuilding project.


Oakland: Think they can boost themselves ahead of KC so they won't be at the bottom this year? I saw the preseason game against San Francisco, well, bits of it. Who would watch an Oakland/San Fran preseason game? That would be about as fun as watching a postseason WNBA game. Darren McFadden looked strong. Subbing in and out with Justin Fargas will be a good deal for the rookie running back. JaMarcus Russell will be their starting QB. The Raiders defense isn't that bad. They could win 7 games this year, don't you think?

S.D.C.: I do. I am not sure about Russell yet, but I have high hopes for McFadden in the future. I think it is good that he doesn’t have to take the brunt of the carries, and this team definitely knows how to run the ball.

They are weak at wideout, but I think the running game will be enough to win some games behind some strong defensive efforts. This club is definitely improving. I don’t think they are quite there yet, but they will not come in dead last this year, and m

ake a bit more respectful run this year.

Oz: San Diego: Your team. Finally. Literally the last team we talk about. I'll throw a few questions out there and let you take the microphone and speak on this subject. How many more years do they have before they abandon their approach. What I mean is, if they don't beat the Patriots this year (they won't), what happens? Do they make moves? Do they rebuild? They're young, but they do have to make some changes if they can't get over the hump, no? Is Philip Rivers the answer? Is he a top QB in the league? Will your defensive players stop getting shot and/or killed?

S.D.C: Hahaha, well these are all questions that I don’t think anyone can answer before we see the final show. I don’t think there is any change in a approach needed, really. They changed all of their coaches las

tyear, and it took a while for everyone to get on the same page. After starting 1-3, they won 12 of 14, including beating the Colts without their three best players, and losing to the Patriots in the AFC Championship. Then the Chargers lost a close battle where I think it is safe to say they outplayed the Pats, but couldn’t score a touchdown. Oh yeah, and the record holders for touchdowns in a season at their respective positions both weren’t playing…I’m just sayin’.

I am not sure about Phil yet, he had some tough times last year, but that is pretty normal with a new system. Norv has a history with young QBs, and I think after a year together, things should get better. The entire offense should flow better after a year, especially in the case of Chris Chambers who was great at the end of the season. Phil has shown flashes of great stuff at times, so I think he is capable…only time will tell, though. Everyone was calling for Norv and Rivers’ heads after the 1-3 start, but that ended pretty quickly.

They have a qood schedule this year, that should give them an easy division title, and setup a great playoffs. The Patriots are obviously good, but do I think they can stop LT? No. He has averaged 158 yards rushing and almost 200 total years against the Patriots since his rookie year and I think they were quite fortunate to be 18-1 instead of 17-1.

Oz: Blasphemy. That's like saying if Kennedy wasn't killed, the Vietnam war wouldn't have happened. Okay, maybe a stretch. However, you do have a point about him. The Patriots haven't been able to stop LT, and the Chargers have killed themselves a lot in those games. I do think the Chargers are the only legit threat to the Pats this year, but I definitely think this year in pivotal. If they can't get over the hump this year, how long can they wait. Brady is only 30.

S.D.C.: LT is 29 older in RB years, but he has been a master at avoiding contact as much as possible. I don’t think this is the last shot, but it is probably the best shot. If they don’t win this year, I don’t see any freaking out though because they don’t have expiring contracts or aging players, they are a young team, see them being here for a few years.

Oz: Predictions?

San Diego: 12-4

Denver 8-8

Oakland: 7-9

Kansas City: 5-11

AFC Playoff teams:

1. New England

2. San Diego

3. Indianapolis

4. Cleveland

5. Pittsburgh

6. Jacksonville


Chargers 13-3

Broncos 8-8

Raiders 6-10

Chiefs 5-11

Playoff teams?







Wow, we had the same teams, just a little bit different order, ha.

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